Tuesday, May 31, 2022

11 videos in 3(+) playlists from TFF - Teacher From Finland!

 In about two weeks, I've now published 11 videos on my YouTube channel TFF - Teacher From Finland!

For my plans for the channel, go to https://jounivilkka.fi/tff.htm 

I have three playlists, all of them still growing, all of them actually - at least present - for videos based on essays I wrote over the years as a university student. One of the playlists is actually for all videos in that category, and it includes these videos:

  1. The Definition of Atheism: Atheism as an Exemplar of Rationlity + The Way of the Philosopher (https://youtu.be/-ACCa41oYZE)
  2. Four categories of religious believers (https://youtu.be/qtRPr3mfxqQ)
  3. Religion enslaves your mind in 7 short steps (https://youtu.be/F-OeHopCzuA)
  4. The Definition of And Motivation for Atheism (https://youtu.be/wCnUwUgQub8)
  5. Can Religious Belief Be Rational (https://youtu.be/HYANW7QO3nM)
  6. Locked Inside and a Mountain of Ice Cream (https://youtu.be/PNH7W4ELbRA)
  7. How do people rise into the elite and get the best paying jobs? (https://youtu.be/6jfsTeu3Wjg)
  8. The Pandemic and Climate Crisis as Problems for Global Governance (https://youtu.be/KrTtmjiEbPU)
  9. Global Tax on Capital (https://youtu.be/zr1eN_WEB3Y)

The second playlist I made is for videos about Secular Humanism, non-religion, Freethought, atheism, Scientific Skepticism and other such things. It includes the following:

  1. The Definition of Atheism: Atheism as an Exemplar of Rationlity + The Way of the Philosopher (https://youtu.be/-ACCa41oYZE)
  2. Four categories of religious believers (https://youtu.be/qtRPr3mfxqQ)
  3. Religion enslaves your mind in 7 short steps (https://youtu.be/F-OeHopCzuA)
  4. The Definition of And Motivation for Atheism (https://youtu.be/wCnUwUgQub8)
  5. Can Religious Belief Be Rational (https://youtu.be/HYANW7QO3nM)
  6. Locked Inside and a Mountain of Ice Cream (https://youtu.be/PNH7W4ELbRA)

The third playlist is for videos about the social sciences, and it includes the following:

  1. How do people rise into the elite and get the best paying jobs? (https://youtu.be/6jfsTeu3Wjg)
  2. The Pandemic and Climate Crisis as Problems for Global Governance (https://youtu.be/KrTtmjiEbPU)
  3. Global Tax on Capital (https://youtu.be/zr1eN_WEB3Y)

I will create more playlists for various topics as soon as I make videos about such topics. The videos not yet in any other playlist will be put on a playlist for miscellaneous videos. That list only includes one video at present, which is unusual in that it is not based on my old essays. It is titled "Truths, Falsehoods, and Lies".

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